Bullet PR

St Michael and All Angel's Church, Princetown, Dartmoor, Devon. Credit Nic Randall..jpg

The Churches Conservation Trust

For the 50th anniversary in 2019 of The Churches Conservation Trust (CCT), the national charity protecting 353 beautiful historic churches at risk in England, we joined forces with Jane Acton PR. Combining our arts and travel PR expertise, we devised a communications strategy that would position the CCT as the flagship organisation for the protection of church buildings at risk, and raise the profile of CEO, Peter Aiers. We supported the in-house team on a number of initiatives throughout the anniversary year including the Great National Steeple Chase – a challenge set by Peter to visit 50 churches around the country in just 50 hours. 

As a finale to the year, the CCT hosted a debate at the V&A asking ‘Who should be responsible for historic church buildings?’. We helped to shape the strategy for the debate and to secure high-profile speakers. 

Highlights of our country-wide media campaign included: feature coverage in Country LifeWaitrose magazine; Daily Express, Church Times, interviews on BBC Radio 4’s Sunday  plus multiple interviews with Peter Aiers across regional newspapers and BBC local radio across the country.